Thursday, January 15, 2009

Name That Rant

Yesterday, Adolf Hitler and his sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, were removed from the family's New Jersey home by the Division of Youth and Family Services. See more here.

Wow. Seriously? Are we to believe these people had their children's best interests in mind when they chose these names?

I recently was handed the spelling for a newborn boy: Jahzen Stiv (pronounced Jason Steve). Five years from now his parents will be lamenting, "Gosh, I don't know why Jahzen has such trouble with Reading and Spelling.".

There are twin girls from my parents' last town of residence named Ima and Ura. Not so bad, you think? Their last name: Pig. Go ahead, say the names out loud, I'll wait. Kids on the playground aren't cruel enough? These parents needed to provide a head start in berating their own children? It's just mean.

In this valley, there is a young girl named Djur'Majesty. Can you imagine her Freshman year in High School?

I'm all for individuality, creativity and honoring family names handed down through generations. I know boys, with the last name Wolf, named Blue and Grey. My own children are named Morganne Ashlei and Colton Briar. These are unique names with character and, here's an important component, accepted spellings that reflect our Celtic heritage.

Parents aren't marketing a new car when they christen a child, they are defining the first impressions of a lifetime. If they cannot show compassion and care when choosing the identifier their child will carry for eternity, I see very little encouragement that they will provide the nurturing and guidance needed to raise that child to be a kind, productive, contributing member of society.

Here's what I've thought for quite some time now: if you can't name a child responsibly, you don't deserve the gift and YOU DON'T GET ONE!


  1. So what made you think your Childrens name reveals what their future will be? A Child is always a precious gift no matter what kind of name you gave them,It all depends on the nurturing not the name, people might not even like or despise the names you gave to your children, have that in mind and at least be ready when time comes. peace!

  2. Ain't know where you get that idea darling but its just mean and stupid! Dont you know that Briar in PNG is kind of Gonorhea, yes darling a serious disease!
